Pekan Jurnalistik 2009 1st finale poster
Yoi deh akhirnya selesai juga poster pertama dari finale posters ini . Waduh . Gak terasa Pekan Jurnalistik tinggal 2 bulan lagi dan semoga aja KJS bisa ngasih yang terbaik . hahaha .
Oiya sekedar info aja , Pekan Jurnalistik (PJ) adalah event gedenya KJS - klub Jurnalistik Sekolah MAN 4 Model Jkt . yang memaduin semua unsur kejurnalistikan dalam 1 event .
Acara-acara di PJ antara lain:
1. Fotografi
2. Cosplay
3. Radio and Literature Exhibition
4. Pembacaan Puisi
5. Pensi
6. Pertunjukkan Seni Tari
7. Pertunjukkan Seni Siswa
8. Majalah Dinding
Acara ini RESTRICTED buat undangan tertentu aja . Jadi buat kamu yang penasaran ama acara yang temanya Imajinasi dan Fantasi ini, tunggu aja foto-fotonya di blog ini . haha :D
Posted on
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
the ultimate prince,
Washable Keyboard
Aneh banget ya , keyboard yang merupakan barang elektronik tapi keyboard yang satu ini gak akan korslet kalo lo cuci , pasalnya keyboard ini washable . haha .
check it out :
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the ultimate prince,
Tech and Science.
Disgusting? I am sure you are .
Inilah yang terjadi saat keisengan gue mulai meledak .
Showing the very disturbing pictures and images . Now ,what did you think when the first time you saw that picture? Perhaps, some of you had disgusted , or maybe some of you thought that those are the myriapods?
Yes, they did .
Myriapods are have the segemented bodies with the characteristic is they lived in the dirty place, like a rubbish, soil and any stoned land .
Myriapods have 2 classes divided .
1. Chilopods
2. Diplopods
Chilopods have 15-173 segments of their body with 2 legs on every segment . The braid is the example of the chilopods
Diplopods have 26-100 symetrical segments,
diplopods have the antenne and 2 group of single eye .
Posted on
Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009
the ultimate prince,
Comparison between The Literature and The Radio Division
Highschooler (Yeah, that's me!) at the moment. I have many activities @ my school, that were made me want vomitting . (:)) . One of my interesting -_- activity is my involvement in extracurricular lesson, about the journalistic one, I have. That is kjs .
kjs has 3 divisions . they are Literature, Radio & Broadcasting and Wallmags .
I am merging my 2 divisions I have chosen . hehe . I love to broadcast something annoying ^_^' haha and love literature also , because , literature i think is the very wide World that has no limitation. I can surely compare them reluctantly (haha)
Literature and Broadcasting
Literature is a part of life that indicates the enthralment way of people express himself onto the no limitation world (as I told). Broadcasting needs literature and literature connects to the broadcasting. In case of needs of the thing that make people interest, such as news, the literarure is needed to be transformed into the broadcasting languages. However the literature is a broadcasting component. The poweful broadcastings needed literature to be announced . Yes the conclusion is both are connected .
See you until next rubbish essays . haha .
Posted on
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
the ultimate prince,
Spell Look: Lumos
Lumos. Yes. One of the most important spell for the wizard, this spell produces light on the edge of wand. There are 2 kind of Lumos. Here there are:
1. Lumos: spell yang simple buat nyalain light di ujung tongkat, spell ini dapat digunakan para wizard sebagai senter di kegelapan.
2. Lumos Maxima: Actually sama kayak Lumos, tetapi Lumos Maxima bisa menghasilkan cahaya yang lebih besar, mungkin sebesar bola api. Dalam film, bisa diingat kembali saat Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, Hermione nyelametin Ron saat dijerat oleh tumbuhan penjerat dengan spell ini dan pada Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince juga saat perjuangan mencari Salazar Slytherin Locket di gua juga Harry memanfaatkan spell yang satu ini.
Posted on
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009
the ultimate prince,
Harry Potter.