Diary of a Wimpy Kid! part 1 April- May
Maaf, Anda belum lulus seleksi masuk kali ini.It has been so long I don't write my online diary since my activities are social networking, doing many downloads and so on. These stories are my recent life in last 4 months after I graduated from high school, yes many of my friends told that you'll gonna be a temporary unemployment after you graduated. Yes, waiting for the university enrollment test, until waiting for 1st day in university. Here are the best moment in every month I passed in this year.
1. April
11/04 : This is it! The enrollment test for the university that I dreamt to study in which is Universitas Indonesia (UI) was in this day. I took the social-science option for that. Therefore I should do the mixed- tests. The major options that I had chosen were English Literature in Culture Study Faculty, Geography (MY DREAM MAJOR ♥) in Math and Science Faculty and Informatical System in Computer Science Faculty. I was very interested in Geography because I was really want to be a geography lecturer, or demographer.
My test location was in SMA N 8, Jakarta. I went there by my car with my friend, Bayu. I had prepared for this test since 2009 lasts, BECAUSE I WANT TO STUDY IN THIS UNIVERSITY!
I met some of my friends Yasir, Kharima, Handieni, Rara, Rizka, Demita, Fadil and Bayu as well. They also took the social-science options for this.
First test held on 7.30 am, for the Science test. I felt good doing Physics (almost all I got the answers), and did bad on Science Math (well, it's damnful hard) but I still could do some... (at least not bad). FYI for the UI test the right answer valued 4, wrong was -1, and skipped one valued 0. It's very big dilemma if you want to guess, but I could do the Science Math some means if I get those I answered right, I would have a `not bad` score as well.
The test was over on 9.30 am. Me with my friend gathered and talked about the test. Some of them said it was terrible and mega- hard, some of them said the test was reasonable....
Second test was the Basic Subjects consist of Basic Math, Bahasa Indonesia and English. I had a BIG PROBLEM! One page in my test book was BLANK! Therefore, I must wait for the new test book :'( and this was killing me a lot. I didn't get my concentration anymore and I felt bad.....
Third and Last test was Social Studies which consist of Geography, Economics, History, and Integrated Social Studies. They were also pretty hard, but I could handle it. I can't pass it quite well.
That was my brief story of my test. The announcement for the test will be announced in May 16th 2010. I was praying much and much... remembering that I had made shift, now the final decision is from God. I really want it!
22/04 : The Class of 2010 of my scholl held the graduation ceremony that day. My impression for this day was good, because I had a little surprise that made proud hehe XD
26/04 : FINALLY! The good news came. I GRADUATED FROM HI-SCHOOL yeah yeah. Alhamdulillah!
2. May
07/05 : I did my tutor school this day for the preparation of UMB (another state university enrollment test) that also I wanted to try if my result wasn't good -__- but I hope it would be good :D
Here's are the dialouge.
Try: ``I heard that the UI result will be announced tomorrow``
Me: ``What? I saw it on UI website that it'll be announced at 16th of this month``
Ade: ``Yeah, I heard that Try heard``
Then, my tutor teacher came into the class.
Tutor: ``For everyone, I announce that UI test result will be announced tomorrow in newspaper and website``
My heart beat faster. I was pretty worried for the result but my another tutor teacher said that I should pray to have the serenity and I should be optimistic that I could reach it! I smiled. I was optimistic and believe that I will have it! I will have a good news! I will get one of the three majors I chosen!
08/05 : After Subuh prayer, I ran my laptop immediately to check out the announcement. And it show another announcement that the announcement for the enrollment test will be announced today in 08:00 AM.
I was very worried, wanted to see the announcement as soon as possible and wanted to see `congratulations you are now the student of Universitas Indonesia` as quick as possible.
After I took shower I ran my laptop again because it was 07:50 AM.
Quickly after booting, I pointed my browser to UI's Enrollment Website. I put my login name and password and click the announcement! It has been several seconds which stirring *__*
And on the screen I saw.
I shocked, I wanted to cry, I was upset, I was miserable, I was dissapointed, I was rueful, I was frustated and I didn't know what to do. I AM NOT GOING TO STUDY THERE :'( I really want there I really want there...................... I was promised if I could get UI I would study hard and forget all of the distorts. And it's all gone............ Gone............... and Gone..................................Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Akhir
My mood was bad in that day. It failed and never come again. I should bury my dream as a geography expert or a demographers.... Maybe God haven't decide that I should school in Universitas Indonesia.
Posted on
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
the ultimate prince,
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