Need Magazines as a PDF eBook
Guys, if you have (MORE and MORE) spare times <-----reflects as myself. Bored about music and movie things, barely. Need the refreshments during your spare time in this month which is Ramadhan month. Yeah! The perfect way is reading some magazines by simply DOWNLOAD it.
You can read it on your PC, laptops, ebook viewers, iPad or media that supports PDF files.
I just give you some links to get those sparkling thing<--- kinda excessive. Magazines.
1. Phazeddl ebooks
TIPS! Make sure the eBooks button have been clicked if you want to browse the magazines. On the list after you click it there will be out some results of pdfs. Just pick some (not only mags but books and pdf stuff). But if you want to have a results for MAGAZINE ONLY just type in search this format: MONTH 2010, example August 2010. Then, the result for August 2010's magazine will be displayed! Click on it and find the download links!
2. Magazines Download
This blog is perfectly display the previews of covers of magazine you'll consider to be downloaded. Simply just click the title of magazine you picked then find the download links (also the mirror of it) and enjoy!
3. Magazines from dl4all
As simple as 1, 2, 3 just like the Magazines Download website, click on title, find the links.
You will be better as a registered person in this website.
That's all 3 powerful links. Another ? Just wait
Posted on
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
the ultimate prince,
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